Revizija rodova Epilobium i Chamerion u hrvatskim herbarima ZA i ZAHO


Epilobium (s. lat.) herbarium material in two major Croatian herbaria ZA and ZAHO was revised. The results of the revision of over 400 herbarium sheets confirmed the occurrence of 13 species already reported for Croatia and only slightly changed their known distribution patterns. However two species previously reported for Croatia and represented also by some herbarium sheets turned out to be wrongly determined, the results being that there is now no reliable confirmation of E. alsinifolium and E. alpestre from the territory of Croatia. Summarized results of the revision are also presented and they demonstrate the comparably good level of correctly determined material in the studied herbaria (but with some taxa much less reliably determined) and an alarmingly low state of collecting activity in the last decades.Revidiran je herbarski materijal Epilobium (s. lat.) iz dva velika hrvatska herbara ZA i ZAHO. Rezultati revizije više od 400 herbarskih listova su potvrdili prisutnost 13 vrsta već poznatih za Hrvatsku i samo ponešto promijenili njihovu rasprostranjenost. Dvije vrste prethodno zabilježene za Hrvatsku te prisutne nekim herbarskim listovima, pokazale su se krivo determinirane, pa tako zasad nema utemeljene potvrde za prisutnost E. alsinifolium i E. alpestre na teritoriju Hrvatske. Rad donosi sveukupne rezultate revizije, koji pokazuju relativno dobru razinu ispravno determiniranog materijala u obrađivanim herbarima (s nekim mnogo manje pouzdano determiniranim svojtama) i alarmantno slabu sakupljačku aktivnost zadnjih desetljeća

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