
Europska nagrada za kvalitetu (EQA), koju od 1992. godine dodjeljuje Europska fondacija upravljanja kvalitetom (EFQM), prestižna je nagrada vrlo cijenjena u svijetu. Dodjeljuje se organizacijama za izvrsna postignuća u poslovanju, pa se često naziva nagradom za poslovnu izvrsnost. U ovome radu razmatraju se zajednički elementi organizacija koje su dobitnice Europske nagrade za kvalitetu razina Award Winner, Prize Winner te Finalist. U razmatranju se koriste podaci o nagrađenim organizacijama u razdoblju od 1992. do 2006. godine, preuzeti iz EFQM-ovog izdanja Winners History. Za analizu su odabrani podaci o nagrađenim organizacijama u 2005. i 2006. objavljeni u godišnjim izdanjima Recognizedbook 2005. i 2006. u poglavlju "Milestones to Excellents". U tom poglavlju prepoznati su zajednički elementi nagrađenih organizacija koji se mogu svrstati u tri grupe: - sustavi upravljanja (uspostavljeni i/ili certificirani), - projekti poboljšanja (provedeni i/ili u tijeku), - aplikacije za nagrade (sudjelovanje i/ili nagrađenost). Cilj analize je ukazati na moguću unutarnju povezanost navedenih zajedničkih elemenata među nagrađenima te utvrditi: - ukupan broj zajedničkih elemenata za svaku organizaciju, - prosječan broj zajedničkih elemenata po razinama nagrada, - maksimalni i minimalni broj zajedničkih elemenata nagrađenih u 2005. i 2006., - maksimalno, minimalno te prosječno vrijeme potrebno za dobivanje nagrada te po potrebi, - druge moguće značajke koje će se pokazati tijekom provedbe analize.The European Quality Award (EQA), which has been granted by the European Foundation for Quality Management since 1992 (EFQM), is a prestigious award which is highly esteemed worldwide. It is awarded to the organizations for excellent business achievements, so it is often called a business excellence award. This work considers common elements of organizations which have been granted a European Quality Award with the levels of Award Winner, Prize Winner and Finalist. The analysis uses the data about the awarded organizations in the period from 1992 to 2006 published in the EFQM`s Winners History. The analysis uses the data about the awarded organizations in 2005 and 2006 published in the annual Recognized book in 2005 and 2006 in the chapter „Milestones to Excellence“. In that chapter the common elements of the awarded organizations have been recognized, which can be classified in three groups: - Management systems (established and/or certified), - Improvement projects (implemented and/or in course), - Award applications (participation and/or awarding). The purpose of the analysis is to point out the possible internal connection of the mentioned common elements among the award winners and establish the: - total number of common elements for each organization, average number of common elements according to the award levels, - maximum and minimum number of common elements awarded in 2005 and 2006, - maximum, minimum and average time necessary for obtaining of awards, and other possible features according to the needs, which shall emerge during the analysis. On the basis of the established relations among the common elements of the awarded organizations it is attempted to estimate the time necessary for obtaining an award depending on the application of common elements

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