Mathematical models processed results of experimental investigation obtained during ladle gas argon bubbling realized by stir elements situated in the ladle bottom. Exact theoretical description of processes occurring at argon bubbling into steel would be very complex and it would lead to a system of non-linear partial differential equations describing transfer of momentum, heat, components, and with excitation function in the form of equation of so called deterministic chaos (argon bubbling). On the basis of pouring ladle model diagram and concentrations courses, the simplified linear physically adequate model was proposed, which described behavior of steel concentration in pouring ladle during its bubbling. The analysed process was understood in the form of a cybernetic model.Matematičkim su modelima obrađeni rezultati eksperimentalnog instraživanja homogenizacije u loncu s argonskim mješačima. Egzaktan teorijski opis procesa uvođenja mjehurića argona u čeličnu talinu bio bi vrlo kompleksan i vodio bi k sustavu nelinearnih diferencijalnih jednadžbi za opis prijenosa momenta gibanja, topline i elemenata, uz dodatnu funkciju takozvanog determinističkog kaosa (gibanje mjehurića argona). Temeljem dijagramskog modela i koncentracijskih krugova predložen je pojednostavnjen, fizikalno odgovarajući linearni model, koji prikazuje promjenu koncentracije čelične taline u ljevačkom loncu tijekom upuštanja mjehurića. Analizirani process smatran je pritom kibernetičkim modelom