Comparison of Diffractive and Refractive Multifocal Intraocular Lenses in Presbyopia Treatment


Multifocal intraocular lenses (MFIOL) enable good near and far vision after cataract surgery. Excellent results with cataract patients encouraged ophthalmologists to implant MFIOL after clear lens extraction (CLE). There are two types of MFIOL: diffractive and refractive. In our prospective study we compared clinical outcomes after CLE and bilateral implantation of diffractive (Tecnis Multifocal), (N = 100 eyes, 50 patients) and refractive (ReZoom), (N = 100 eyes, 50 patients) MFIOL to patients with presbyopia and hyperopia. Near and distant uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA), spectacle dependency, subjective satisfaction and visual disturbances were measured and compared between two groups. Patients achieved good near and distant UCVA in both groups. »Tecnis« group had better near UCVA (statistically not significant) and less night time visual disturbances. »ReZoom« group reported less problems with intermediate vision. Diffractive and refractive MFIOL enable high rate of spectacle independency to presbyopic hyperopic patients with low rate of side-effects. Refractive MFIOL provide better intermediate vision and diffractive slightly better near vision and less haloes and glare

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