Use of recycled brick as concrete aggregate


Polazi se od toga da je u svrhu održivog gospodarenja građevinskim otpadom nužno ispitati mogućnost njegove primjene kao sirovine. Dan je pregled rezultata dosadašnjih istraživanja svojstava i mogućnosti upotrebe reciklirane opeke kao agregata za beton. Prikazan je i pregled trenutnih načina zbrinjavanja i ponovne upotrebe opeke i crijepa kao građevinskog otpada u Hrvatskoj, budući da taj otpad čini najveći udio u sastavu građevinskog otpada nastalog rušenjem zidanih građevina.The paper starts with the assertion that the possibilities of reusing construction waste as raw material must definitely be examined if we are to ensure sustainable management of such waste. An overview of results gained during recent studies of recycled-brick, with the possibilities of reusing this material as concrete aggregate, is given. A survey of methods currently in place for the management and reuse of old bricks and tiles in Croatia is also presented, as such waste is dominantly represented in the composition of construction waste generated during demolition of masonry buildings

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