
"Moreška je najčešće spominjan ples iz 15. stoljeća ali ga je unatoč tome najteže klasificirati i opisati u čitavoj povijesti plesa" (Curt Sachs). Moreška se u svakoj zemlji razvijala na različite načine. U Italiji je taj pojam imao čitav niz značenja: mimički, plesani "balet" (često s alegorijskim temama); osobiti tradicijski ples; bojevni ples; poseban plesni korak. U talijanskoj moreški nikad se ne spominju Maori, nevjernici ili kršćani, a moreški sličan ples mattaccino, često bojevni ili svadbeni rijetko su u farsama i operama izvodili matti — lude, budale.The author discusses the moresca as it was performed in cities and courts from Rome to Venice, illustrating its multiformity, unique in all Europe with examples. Written references to the moresca first appeared in Italy around the mid-fifteenth century, and after about a hundred years, the moresca started getting mentioned less and less. Moresca and mattaccino were closely related, as they were, and still are, in the Americas. By the early seventeenth century, references to both these dance types have all but disappeared, replaced by the theatrical intermedio and the staged abbattimento. Finally, there is a brief discussion of the mattaccino, for which less material has surfaced, but which resembles the moresca in several ways: in its various guises and elusiveness

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