
Finer je istraživao fenomen politike u prostornom i vremenskom opsegu, nastojeći istražiti što više oblika vladavine te pronaći jedinstvo u njihovoj različitosti. Posebnu pažnju posvetio je izučavanju institucija vladavine, koje je smatrao jezgrom politike. U središtu je istraživanja država. Sažimajući posljedice nastanka države na oblike vladavine, Finer je postavio dvije varijable: prvo, mjera u kojoj su vladari stvorili standardiziranu središnju upravu i, drugo, doseg u kome je bila uspostavljena homogena kultura, jezik i zakonik. Druga tema koja je imala važno mjesto u Finerovim istraživanjima jest vojna organizacija. On je htio pokazati kako se opstanak države, međunarodni poredak, socijalna distribucija moći, obnašanje vlasti, stupanj birokratizacije te narav režima isprepleću s ustrojem vojnih institucija države. Smatrao je da je vojna organizacija nužna za uspostavu i održanje političke zajednice, režima i vlasti. Glavnu je funkciju države vidio u pripremama za rat, ratovanju i oporavku od rata, te očekivanju sljedećeg sukoba. Finerova treća tema je odnos političkih i religijskih sustava vjerovanja. Isticao je njihovu dualističku prirodu, s dvije manje ili više nezavisne hijerarhije zbog kojih je dolazilo do ozbiljnih napetosti. On povezuje prevladavajući sustav vjerovanja, socijalnu stratifikaciju i političke institucije. Tamo gdje su ti činitelji skladni, politička zajednica postiže trajnu stabilnost.Finer investigated the phenomenon of politics within its spatial and temporal framework, trying to look into as many forms of government as possible and to find uniformity in their variety. He paid particular attention to a study of institutions of government which he considered the core of politics. His investigations focused on the state. By condensing the consequences of the emergence of the state on the forms of government, Finer came up with two variables: the extent in which rulers establish a standardized central administration and the extent in which homogeneous culture, religion and laws have been achieved. The second topic which held an important place in Finer’s research is military organization. He wanted to demonstrate how the survival of a state, international order, social distribution of power, governing, the degree of bureaucratization, and a regime’s nature, are intertwined with the structure of the state’s military institutions. His opinion was that the military organization is necessary for the establishment and preservation of political communities, regimes and governments. According to Finer, the state’s key function are preparing for wars, waging wars and reconstructing the country after them, and expecting the next one. Finer’s third topic is the relationship between political and religious systems of belief. He stressed their dualistic nature, with two more or less independent hierarchies which have been a source of serious tensions. Furthermore, Finer links the existing system of beliefs, social stratification, and political institutions. Where these factors are balanced, the political community achieves permanent stability

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