Tradicionalna proizvodnja i glavna obilježja Galičkog kačkavalja


In this study, principles of traditional production and main characteristics of the traditional sheep cheese Galichki kashkaval from Bistra Mountain are presented. The contents of main components during ripening and storage of cheese were monitored. Analyses were performed on 1st, 30th, 60th and 100th day of ripening and 180th and 360th day of storage. On the first day cheese samples contained 20.75 % fat, 11.88 % total proteins, 1.20 % salt and 3.54 % ash. After 100 days of ripening cheese samples contained 27.87 % fat, 23.05 % total proteins, 2.02 % salt and 4.85 % ash. The technology process of kashkaval production was described in details. This cheese was produced and prepared in specific geographical area and fulfills the requirements listed in the National Law on quality of agricultural products. The data from this research might be a good starting point in the process of achieving the protected geographical indication.U ovom istraživanju prikazana su načela tradicionalne proizvodnje i osnovna obilježja vrlo popularnog ovčjeg sira - Galičkog kačkavalja s planine Bistre. Utvrđivana je dinamika glavnih komponenti tijekom zrenja i skladištenja sira. Analize su provedene 1., 30., 60. i 100. dana zrenja, te 180. i 360. dana skladištenja ispitivanog sira. Sir je prvog dana sadržavao 20,75 % masti, 11,88 % ukupnih proteina, 1,20 % soli i 3,54 % pepela, dok je nakon 100 dana zreli sir sadržavao: 27,87 % masti, 23,05 % ukupnih proteina, 2,02 % soli i 4,85 % pepela. Tehnološki proces izrade kačkavalja (mkd. kaškaval) opisan je detaljno. Ovaj se sir proizvodi i priprema u određenom zemljopisnom području, a ispunjava zahtjeve nacionalnog zakonodavstva o kvaliteti poljoprivrednih proizvoda. Podaci iz ovog istraživanja mogu biti dobar temelj za početak procesa zaštite ovog tradicionalnog proizvoda i postizanje PDO ili PGI oznake

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