Treatment of atelectasis in children


Atelektaza oznacava bezracni dio veceg ili manjeg dijela pluca. Popratna je pojava u tijeku niza plucnih bolesti. Najcešci uzrok atelektaze je opstrukcija dišnog puta, kompresija plucnog parenhima, nedostatak ili disfunkcija surfaktanta. Lijecenje ovisi o uzroku. Najcešce se provodi respiratorna fizioterapija, inhalacije bronhodilatatora, sekretolitika, razlicite tehnike povišenog ekspiracijskog tlaka, fleksibilna bronhoskopija, te kirurško lijecenje. U radu su prikazana tri bolesnika s atelektazom. Kod jednog bolesnika radilo se o akutnoj atelektazi u tijeku egzacerbacije astme, koja je riješena fleksibilnim bronhoskopom. Kod dva bolesnika radilo se o kronicnoj atelektazi, gdje je bilo indicirano kirurško lijecenje – lobektomija, koja je ucinjena kod jednog bolesnika, dok kod drugoga roditelji nisu prihvatili kirurško lijecenje.Atelectasis is a collapsed or airless state and may involve all or part of the lung. Many lung diseases can be associated with atelectasis. It occurs most commonly with bronchoobstruction, lung parenchyma compression, surfactant deficiency or disfunction. Atelectasis treatment depends on the cause. Chest physiotherapy is carried out most often. Bronchodilatator and secretolytics inhalation, various techniques of increased expiratory pressure, flexibile bronchoscopy and surgery, respectively, are often performed. In the present paper three cases of atelectasis in children are presented. In the first patient atelectasis appeared during acute asthmatic exacerbation, and it was cured by flexibile bronchoscopy. Lobectomy was indicated in the other two children with chronic atelectasis, but it was performed in one patient, while the parents of the second child did not give their consent for surgical treatment

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