Nanocomposites with nano-to-sub-micrometer size zinc oxide as an effective UV absorber


Cink (II) oksidne mikročestice (300 nm) i nanočestice (100 nm) su sintetizirane u različitim glikolima i kasnije upotrijebljene za pripravu ZnO/poli(metil-metakrilatnih) nanokompozita. Vrlo niske koncentracije dodanog cink-oksida potpuno apsorbiraju UV svjetlo u području od 290 do 380 nm. Osim odlične apsorpcije u UV području, nano cink-oksid bitno poboljšava stabilnost nanokompozita na sunčevu svjetlost kao i na toplinsku postojanost, dok je submikrometarski ZnO manje učinkovit UV apsorber i toplinski stabilizator od nanometarskog ZnO.Zinc (II) oxide micrometer (300 nm) and nano particles (100 nm) were synthesized in different glycols and were used for the preparation of ZnO/poly(methyl methacrylate) nanocomposites. Very low concentrations of zinc oxide quantitatively absorb UV light in the region between 290 and 380 nm. Besides having extraordinary UV absorption properties, nano zinc oxide also substantially enhances the stability towards sunlight as well as thermal stability of resulting nanocomposites. On the other hand, submicrometer ZnO is less effective UV absorber and thermal stabilizer than nano ZnO

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