PR Models in Online Environment


U radu se istražuje i analizira primjena modela odnosa (komuniciranja) s javnošću na internetu, s naglaskom na dvosmjerno-interaktivnom komuniciranju i ostvarivanju dijaloga na relaciji organizacija – javnost. Rezultati istraživanja provedenog na uzorku zaposlenih u odnosima s javnošću (n=106) pokazuju da se na internet, najviše primjenjuje model javnog informiranja (83%). To pokazuje da službe za odnose s javnostima još nisu potpuno prepoznale najvažniju karakteristiku koju im nudi novo medijsko okruženje – interaktivnost. Provedenom multivarijantnom analizom nije podržana polazna hipoteza prema kojoj je izbor modela komuniciranja internetom povezan s ulogom službe za odnose s javnošću. Ipak, uspostava i vođenje interaktivne dvosmjerne komunikacije i dijaloga ostaje zadatak djelatnika odgovornih za odnose s javnostima. Internet, sam po sebi, ne vodi u nove oblike komunikacije.In this paper, the author is researching and analyzing the use of public relations (communication) models on the internet, with a special emphasis on the two-way interactive communication and the building of dialogue between organizations and the public. The results of the research on the sample of 106 public relations practitioners reveal that the mostly exercised model is the public information model (83%). This indicates that public relations departments still fail to exploit the most important characteristic offered by this new media environment – interactivity. The result of the MANOVA procedure does not support the hypothesis that there is a relationship between the PR department’s role and the choice of the PR model which is used on the internet. However, the creation and management of two-way interactive communication and dialogue still remains the task of public relations practitioners. The internet, by itself does not create new forms of communication

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