
The regular quality control on the adequacy of heat treatment of fullfat soybeans requires the application of rapid chemical methods. In the present work the trypsin inhibitor activity test and the urease test were applied on fullfat soya samples that were cooked in a pressured steam (toasted) or extruded at different temperatures and speed rates. In the case of toasting both of the results of the laboratory examinations proved that the heating was adequate, while in the case of the extruded samples the two tests gave different results. In the case of certain temperature and time combinations the more rapid and less accurate urease test claimed that the heat treatment reached the aim, while the results of the trypsin inhibitor activity test showed that the level of the inhibitors was still high and the fullfat soya was underheated.Redovita kontrola kakvoće primjerenosti toplinskog tretiranja punomasne soje zahtijeva primjenu brzih kemijskih metoda. U ovom radu primijenjeni su test aktivnosti inhibitora tripsina i test ureaze na uzorcima punomasne soje kuhane u pari pod pritiskom (tostirane) ili ekstrudirane na različitim temperaturama i brzinama. U slučaju tostiranja oba rezultata laboratorijskih ispitivanja su dokazala da je grijanje bilo primjereno, dok su u slučaju ekstrudiranja uzoraka oba testa dala različite rezultate. U slučaju određene temperature i vremenske kombinacije brzi i manje točan test ureaze potvrdio je da je toplinsko tretiranje postiglo svrhu dok su rezultati testa aktivnosti inhibitora tripsina pokazali da je razina inhibitora još uvijek visoka, a punomasna soja nedovoljno zagrijana

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