
Autor piše o dokumentima za zaštitu manjina Vijeća Europe kao najstarije organizacije koja promiče ideje europskog jedinstva, te koracima koje je poduzela Republika Hrvatska s ciljem približavanja euroatlantskim integracijama. Hrvatska državna politika, slijedeći volju hrvatskih građana izraženu na izborima iz siječnja 2000. godine, krenula je u ostvarenje toga cilja, poduzimajući sasvim konkretne korake na zadovoljavanju postavljenih kriterija.The author looks into the documents about the protection of minorities, designed by the Council of Europe as the oldest organization promoting the idea of European unity. He also analyzes the steps that the Republic of Croatia has made in its desire to join the Euro-Atlantic integrations. Croatian politics, in line with the will of the Croatian citizens expressed in the elections of January 2000, has tried to reach that goal by satisfying the required criteria

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