Cellular immune response in Dupuytren\u27s disease


Uvod: Patogeneza Dupuytrenove bolesti je nejasna, no mogu se pretpostaviti upalni mehanizmi u njenoj pozadini. Materijali i metode: Mjerili smo udjele različitih podvrsta monocita i lim-focita u perifernoj krvi prema stadiju bolesti kod 39 bolesnika oboljelih od Dupuytrenove bolesti. Rezultate smo usporedili s rezultatima 29 zdravih kontrolnih ispitanika iz iste dobne skupine. Mjerenja su napravljena pomoću protočne citometrije. Rezultati: U aktivnom su stadiju bolesnici imali bitno povišen udio monocita, NK-stanica sličnih T-limfocitima, dok je udio B-limfocita bio značajno snižen, uključujući CD5+ B-limfocite. Udjeli CD4+, CD8+ T-limfocita i B-limfocita nisu se znatno promijenili. U naprednom su stadiju bolesti udjeli monocita i B-limfocita ostali konstantnima, no značajno su se snizili udjeli T-limfocita. U četiri slučaja među bolesnicima koji boluju od Dupuytrenove bolesti pojavile su se limfoidne neoplazme zrelih B- ili T-limfocita. Zaključci: Naši rezultati podupiru prijašnja mišljenja da su limfociti povezani s patogenezom Dupuytrenove bolesti te pojačavaju ulogu monocita, NK-stanica sličnih T-limfocitima i promjenu imunosnog odgovora između stadija bolesti.Background: The pathogenesis of Dupuytren\u27s disease is unclear, but inflammatory mechanisms might be supposed in the background. Materials and methods: The ratios of the subsets of monocytes and lymphocytes in the peripheral blood were measured according to the stage of the disease of 39 Dupuytren\u27s patients. They were compared with those of 29 healthy, age-matched controls. The measurements were accomplished by flow-cytometry. Results: In an active stage, the patients had significantly increased ratios of monocytes, NK-like T-cells, whereas significantly decreased ratio of B-lymphocytes, including CD5+ B-cells. The ratios of CD4+, CD8+ T-cells and NK-cells did not change significantly. In the advanced stage, the ratios of monocytes and B-lymphocytes remained constant, but the ratios of T-cells decreased significantly. In four cases among Dupuytren\u27s patients, mature B- or T-cell lymphoid malignancies occurred. Conclusions: Our results support the previous considerations that lymphocytes are involved in the pathogenesis of Dupuytren\u27s disease and enhance the role of monocytes, NK-like T-cells and the alteration of immune response between the stages of the disease

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