
Cilj rada. Izraditi tablice i analizirati standardne vrijednosti porodne težine i porodne duljine zdrave novorođenčadi. Ispitanici i metode. Retrospektivno su analizirani podatci o 19 996 novorođenčadi jednoplodnih trudnoća od 22. do 42. tjedna gestacije rođenih u Klinici za ginekologiju i porodništvo KBC Rijeka u razdoblju od deset godina. Iz analize su isključena novorođenčad s kongenitalnim malformacijama, mrtvorođeni, djeca majki s nesigurnim trajanjem trudnoće i majki s kroničnim bolestima. Rezultati su prikazani u tablicama i krivuljama centilnih vrijednosti prema navršenim tjednima trudnoće, paritetu majke i spolu novorođenčeta. Rezultati. Medijana vrijednost porodne težine u 40. tjednu trudnoće za analiziranu skupinu iznosila je 3580 g (c.10=3070 g; c.90=4140 g). Najnižu porodnu masu u 40. tjednu imala su ženska novorođenčad prvorotkinja, 3450 g (c.10=2980 g; c.90=3955 g). Slijede ženska djeca višerotkinja (3550 g) i muška djeca prvorotkinja (3590 g). Najteža su bila muška novorođenčad višerotkinja 3720 g. U 40. tjednu gestacije medijana vrijednost porodne duljine iznosila je 52 cm (c.10=49 cm; c.90=54 cm). Zaključak. Izrada antropometrijskih standarda na vlastitoj populaciji novorođenčadi preduvjet je za kvalitetnu skrb djeteta. Usporedba rezultata sa sličnim ¬studijama u zemlji otežena je zbog metodološki različitog pristupa u odabiru ispitanika. Zato je potrebno jedinstvenom metodologijom izraditi nacionalne standarde, kako bi se osigurao veći ispitivani uzorak, dobili objektivniji rezultati te omogućilo otkrivanje poremećaja fetalnog rasta.Aim. To present the obtained data as table records and to analyse standard values of birth weight and birth length in healthy newborns. Methods. Retrospective study of 19 996 singleton pregnancies\u27 neonates with a gestational age between 22 to 42 weeks born at the University Hospital Rijeka, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, over the ¬period of ten years. Statistical evaluation of the hospital records data. Newborns with congenital disorders, stillborn ¬children, neonates born to mothers with uncertain pregnancy duration and those born to mothers with chronic diseases that may influence fetal growth (malignant and endocrine diseases, hypertension) were excluded. Obtained results have been presented in tables of percentiles, according to gestational age, mother\u27s parity and neonatal gender. Results. Median birth weight value for the analysed group born at 40-th gestational week was 3580 gs (c10=3070 gs; c90=4140 gs). ¬Female neonates of primiparas, born at 40-th gestational week, had the lowest median birth weight, 3450 gs (c10=2980 gs; c90=3955 gs), followed by female neonates of multiparas (3550 gs) and male neonates of primiparas (3590 gs). Male newborns of multiparas had the greatest median birth weight, 3720 gs. Median birth length value at the 40-th gestational week for the analysed group was 52 cms (c10=49 cms; c90=54 cms). Conclusion. Construction of anthropometrical ¬standards in a certain population is essential condition for maintaining quality of antenatal and postnatal health care. ¬Eventual comparison of our results with similar studies in the country is difficult due to variant methodological ¬approaches considering the selection of examinees. It is essential to apply the unique methodology and create national standards, which would ensure greater examined sample and thus more objective results to enable further researches of fetal growth delays

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