'Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb'
Provedeno je terensko istraživanje na reprezentativnom uzorku punoljetnog stanovništva Republike Hrvatske u kojem su ispitanicima postavljena pitanja koja su postavljena u TV referendumima u popularnim emisijama HTV-a i OTV-a. Utvrđena je statistička značajnost razlika u odgovorima koji su dobiveni od TV gledatelja i ispitanika u terenskom istraživanju što upozorava na nevjerodostojnost rezultata dobivenih u TV referendumima. Nevjerodostojnost rezultata koji se dobivaju u TV referendumima uzrokovana je višestrukom selektivnošću podataka koju uzrokuje način prikupljanja podataka TV referendumom.A field research has been carried out on a representative sample of the Croatian people of full age in which the respondents were asked the same questions previously posed in the TV polls in some popular programs by HTV and OTV. There is a statistically relevant variance between the responses of the TV viewers and the field research respondents which indicates a lack of credibility of the results obtained through TV polls. This lack of credibility stems from the multiple selectivity of the data resulting from the data-collection method of TV polls