
Sve se više otvoreno govori i znanstveno razmatra proces umiranja i smrti neizlječivo bolesnih osoba. Sve glasnije se ističu ljudska prava i potrebe umirućih te njihovih bližnjih. Iako je obitelj prepoznata kao punopravni korisnik palijativne skrbi, još se uvijek nedovoljno pozornosti posvećuje specifičnom procesu promjene što zahvaća obitelj u stresnom razdoblju gubitka člana. Zato je neophodno, osim umirućeg, u fokusu imati i obitelj te pozornost pridati sljedećim temama: obilježjima suvremene obitelji, suočavanju s umiranjem i smrti, palijativnoj skrbi o obitelji, palijativnoj skrbi u obitelji, komunikaciji te osjećajima i tugovanju u obitelji. Namjera je ovog rada sistematizacija postojećih pojedinačnih teorijskih spoznaja i njihovo integriranje u tematske cjeline. Prikaz temeljnih zaključaka treba omogućiti bolje razumijevanje značaja i uloge obitelji u skrbi za umiruće te učinkovitije planiranje i pružanje neophodne stručne pomoći i podrške.The process of dying and death of terminally ill persons is increasingly openly mentioned and scientifically analysed. Human rights and needs of the dying and their near ones are pointed out more loudly. Although the family is recognised as a valid user of palliative care, insufficient attention is still paid to the specific process of the change that the family undergoes in the stressful period of losing a member. Therefore it is necessary to have the focus not only on the dying person, but their family as well, and to pay attention to the following topics: characteristics of a modern family, facing dying and death, palliative care abut the family, palliative care in the family, communication and feelings and mourning in the family. The purpose of this paper is to systematise the existing individual theoretical notions and to integrate them in thematic units. The survey of basic conclusions should enable a better understanding of the importance and role of the family in the care for the dying, and a more efficient planning and provision of the necessary professional help and support

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