Campanian–Early Eocene Stratigraphy of the Southern Galala Plateau, Eastern Desert, Egypt


Several species of larger foraminifera have been recorded in the Campanian–Early Eocene succession of the Southern Galala Plateau. These species include Orbitoides media (ARCHIAC), Omphalocyclus macropora (LAMARK) in the Campanian–Maastrichtian rocks (Gebel Thelmet Formation and Sudr Chalk) and Fallotella (Fallotella) kochanskae persica HOTTINGER & DROBNE, Fabularia zitteli HOTTINGER, Alveolina pasticillata (SCHWAGER), Glomalveolina dachelensis (SCHWAGER), Miscellanea rhomboidea KUSS & LEPPIG and Nummulites cf. subramondi DE LA HARPE in the Palaeocene– Early Eocene sediments (Southern Galala Formation). There are few intervals yielding planktonic species that contributed significantly to the determination of the age assignment for the larger foraminifera. These species include Globigerina triloculinoides PLUMMER, Morozovella uncinata (BOLLI), Morozovella trinidadensis (BOLLI), Morozovella cf. conicotruncata (SUBBOTINA), Morozovella angulata (WHITE), Planorotalites pseudomenardii (BOLLI) and Acarinina primitiva (FINLAY). These planktonic species placed the Glomalveolina dachelensis (SCHWAGER) zone as being older than the Morozovella angulata (WHITE) zone (Early–Middle Palaeocene). The occurrence of the algae Ethelia alba (PFENDER) and Neomeris plagnensis DELOFFRE further supports the referred age

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