Molecular basis of whey protein functionality


Proteini sirutke čine 18 - 20 % ukupnih proteina mlijeka. Njihova nutritivna vrijednost, uz raznolika fizikalno-kemijska i funkcionalna svojstva, čine proteine sirutke široko primjenjivima u prehrambenoj industriji. Povećani zahtjevi potrošača za ukusnijim, zdravijim, prikladnijim i prirodnijim prehrambenim proizvodima omogućili su mliječnoj industriji priliku za razvijanje i opskrbu prehrambenih proizvoda dodacima sirutkinih proteina kako bi im se povećala funkcionalna i nutritivna svojstva. Razvoj tih dodataka uvelike je ovisio i o prepoznavanju važnosti razumijevanja molekularne osnove funkcionalnosti proteina od strane prehrambenih znanstvenika. Stoga je cilj ovog rada bio na jednom mjestu izložiti osnove funkcionalnosti sirutkinih proteina kao važnog dodatka prehrambenim proizvodima.Whey proteins constitute 18-20% of total milk protein content. Their nutritive value, accompanied by diverse physico-chemical and functional properties, make whey proteins widely applicable in food industry. Highly risen demands of consumers for tastier, healthier, suitable and more natural food products have given dairy industry the opportunity for development and enrichment of food products with whey protein supplements in order to increase their functional and nutritive properties. Development of these supplements mainly depended on recognition of the importance in understanding molecular basis of whey protein functionality from food scientists. Thereby, the aim of this paper is to expose the basis of whey protein functionality at one place, as the important supplement for food products

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