
Autor razmatra turizam i turističko komuniricanje u novim svjetskim tržišnim, kulturološkim uvje-tima koje nazivamo globalizacijom. Globalizacija je zahvatila i turističko područje, turistički diskurs. Na torn području sukobljavaju se brojne svjetske turističke agencije koje prodaju kulturne znamenitosti svojih zemalja, more i planine, hotele i kampove. Turističko komuniciranje dio je globalnog komuniciranja i međunarodne propa-gande. Turistički komunikator mora svladati načela transkulturalne medijacije s kojom pokušava smanjiti kulturne razlike i ublažiti interkulturni konflikt.The author examines tourism and tourist communication in the new market and cultural situation in the world that we call Globalisation. Tourism as well as tourist communication is caught in the Globalisation processes. In that field there is a constant battle among numerous tourist agencies that sell cultural sights of their countries, the sea, mountains, hotels and camps. Tourist communication is the part of global communication and international promotion. A tourist communicator must overcome the principles of transcultural mediation to reduce cultural differences and alleviate intercultural conflict

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