
U prilogu upozoravam, da medijske moći ne možemo otkrivati samo u formalnim institucijama države i društva, nego ih treba raskrivati u neformalnim, skrivenim institucijama, koje utječu na snagu i nesnagu medija. Upozoravam, da se istinit izvor snage često skriva iza formalnih političkih procedura: demokratičan proces je samo fasada iza koje vladaju istiniti izvori političke i ekonomske snage. Otvaram problem istinitosti izvještavanja i manipulacije medija. Obrađujem Langove i Katzovu kritiku Langovih. Langovi su naopako pretpostavili, da televizija vjerno reproducira "istinitost". Katz utvrđuje, da je televizija stvarno pribavljala drugačiju prezentaciju istinitosti. Dakle, televizija je reprezentirala istinitost, kao i mijenjala istinitost, koju je reprezentirala. Mediji imaju snagu da odlučuju, kako će konstruirati stvarnost. Mediji pokazuju takoder svoju \u27nemoć\u27, kada su prisiljeni savjesno ili podsavjesno pokazati takvu ili drugačiju konstrukciju događaja.In this article I direct attention to the fact that media powers cannot be discovered in formal state institutions only, but they need to be disclosed in informal and hidden institutions as well, which have impact on both the power and inability of the media. I point out that the real source of power is very often hidden behind formal political procedures: the process of democracy is just a facade ruled by true sources of political and economic power. I pinpoint the problem of truthful reporting and media manipulation. I dwell upon the Langs and Katz\u27s critique of the Langs. The Langs have wrongly presumed that television truthfully reproduces \u27reality\u27. Katz claims that television only provided with different presentation of reality. So television presented reality and also changed the reality it presented. The media have the power to decide how to construct reality. The media also show their \u27inability\u27, when they are forced to shout consciously or unconsciously such or a different construction of an event

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