Urogenital Infections Caused by Human Papilloma and Herpes Simplex Viruses


Prikazane su bitne značajke urogenitalnih infekcija uzrokovanih humanim papiloma (HPV) i herpes simpleks virusom (HSV). Genitalne infekcije uzrokovane HPV-om sve su više predmet istraživanja s obzirom na njihovu visoku učestalost unutar skupine spolno prenosivih infekcija (STIs, engleski sexually transmitted infections), sklonost recidivima, dugotrajno liječenje i povezanosti s pojavom zloćudnih bolesti. HPV-genitalne infekcije najčešće se pojavljuju u mladoj, generativno sposobnoj populaciji te je stoga njihovo uspješno praćenje i liječenje obveza svakog društva koje teži napretku. Do danas se utvrdilo više od 100 tipova HPV-a. Genitalne infekcije uzrokovane HPV-om klinički se najčešće manifestiraju kao sljedeći entiteti: condylomata acuminata (šiljasti kondilomi), condylomata plana (ravni kondilomi), gigantski kondilom Buschke-Löwenstein i papulosis bowenoides. Danas je neposredna detekcija HPV DNA u uzorku tkiva ili obrisku metoda izbora u dijagnostici HPV-genitalnih infekcija. Za sada ne postoji specifično protuvirusno liječenje HPV-genitalnih infekcija, stoga izbor liječenja ovisi o općem stanju i dobi bolesnika, o obliku, veličini i lokalizaciji promjena, kao i o iskustvu terapeuta. Što se genitalnog herpesa tiče, njegovi česti i nepredvidivi recidivi, pojava ulceracija, visoka kontagioznost u aktivnoj fazi bolesti, kao i latentna faza infekcije terapijski su probem i liječniku i bolesniku. Vrlo strogo gledano, s obzirom na to da HSV u latentnoj fazi perzistira u ganglijima živčanog sustava, još ne postoji lijek kojim bi se problem genitalnog herpesa definitivno riješio. Velik je napredak postignut pojavom specifičnih protuvirusnih lijekova za liječenje aktivne faze herpetične infekcije - aciklovira, valaciklovira i famciklovira. Postoji već velik broj i kliničkih studija rezultati kojih pokazuju visoku učinkovitost spomenutih lijekova u kratkotrajnom epizodnom, kao i prolongiranom, supresivnom liječenju genitalnog herpesa.The article presents essential characteristics of urogenital infections caused by human papilloma (HPV) and herpes simplex viruses (HSV). Genital infections caused by HPV are increasingly the subject of investigation, because of their high incidence within the group of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), high relapse rate, long-lasting treatment and association with malignances. HPV genital infections occur mostly in young, childbearing population. Thus, their successful treatment and follow up is an obligation of each society in search of progress. Until today, more than 100 HPV types have been confirmed. Genital infections caused by HPV are clinically manifested mainly as the following entities: genital warts condyloma (condylomata acuminata), flat condyloma (condylomata plana), giant condyloma of Buschke-Loewenstein type and Bowenoid papulosis (papulosis Bowenoide). Today the HPV DNA detection in the tissue sample or in the smear is the method of choice in the diagnostics of HPV genital infections. For the time being there is no specific antiviral treatment of HPV genital infection. Thus, the choice of treatment depends on the patient’s general health state and age, on the type, size and site of changes, as well as on the therapist’s experience. As for genital herpes, its frequent and unpredictable relapses, the occurrence of ulcerations, high contagiousness in the active phase as well as the latent phase of the infection present therapeutic problem both for the physician and patient. As HSV in latent phases persists in nervous system ganglia, a drug that would definitely solve the problem of genital herpes still does not exist. Great advance has been achieved by specific antiviral drugs for the active phase of herpetic infection - acyclovir, valacyclovir and famcyclovir. There is a large number of clinical studies the results of which show high efficacy of the mentioned medications in short episodic and in prolonged, suppressive treatment of genital herpes

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