Nalaz gljivica tijekom mikrobiološke pretrage mesnih proizvoda


The study is focused on the microbial analysis of selected soft, heat-processed meat products and raw materials used for their production. A special attention has been paid to the isolation and identification of microscopic filamentous fungi. Five samples (from the surface of beef cuts, ground beef, ground pork, salami emulsion, and final product) were taken each month within a period of one year. The microbial investigation was aimed at the determination of total plate counts, the number of coliforms, Staphylococcus aureus, the presence of Salmonella spp., and the number of moulds. The highest level of microbial contamination (total plate count, counts of coliforms and Staphylococcus aureus) was observed in both kinds of ground meat during summer months. The presence of Salmonella was not determined in any sample. The highest number of microscopic filamentous fungi was found in samples of salami emulsion in summer months. Toxicogenic genera (Aspergillus spp., Penicillium spp., and Fusarium spp.) have also been identified.U radu su prikazani rezultati mikrobioloških analiza odabranih toplinski obrađenih mesnih proizvoda te sirovina u njihovoj proizvodnji. Posebna je pozornost obraćena izolaciji i identifikaciji mikroskopskih nitastih gljivica. Tijekom jednogodišnjega razdoblja svaki je mjesec uzimano pet uzoraka (s površine goveđih trupova, mljevena govedina, mljevena svinjetina, emulzija za proizvodnju salame i finalni proizvod). Cilj mikrobiološke pretrage bio je utvrditi ukupan broj mikroorganizama, broj koliformnih mikroorganizama, Staphylococcus aureus, prisutnost salmonela te broj plijesni. Najviša razina mikrobne kontaminacije (ukupan broj mikroorganizama, broj koliformnih mikroorganizama i S. aureus) uočena je u objema vrstama mljevena mesa tijekom ljetnih mjeseci. Ni u jednom uzorku salmonele nisu izolirane. Najveći broj gljivica utvrđen je u uzorcima emulzije za proizvodnju salame u ljetnim mjesecima. Izdvojeni su i toksogeni rodovi (Aspergillus spp., Penicillium spp. i Fusarium spp.)

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