Systemic Connective Tissue Diseases and Stroke


Oštećenje živčanog sustava s nizom kliničkih sindroma, uključujući moždani udar, može se očitovati u raznim multisistemskim bolestima vezivnog tkiva. Moždani udar može se pojaviti rano u tijeku bolesti, može biti blaga ili dominantna lezija. Novije dijagnostičke mogućnosti, poglavito slikovne metode, omogućuju sigurniju dijagnozu moždane lezije u sklopu koje se razvio moždani udar te pružaju nove spoznaje o naravi lezije. Liječenje obično ovisi o aktivnosti osnovne bolesti. Uz bolje poznavanje patogeneze oštećenja živčanog sustava stvara se i mogućnost novih pristupa liječenju.Nervous system disorder with numerous clinical syndromes including stroke can be a manifestation of various multisystem connective tissue diseases. Cerebrovascular accident can develop early in the course of the disease, it can be either mild or dominant lesion. New diagnostic possibilities, particularly imaging methods provide more accurate diagnosis as well as new data on the character of the lesion. Treatment usually depends on the activity of underlying disease. With better understanding of the pathogenesis of nervous system disorder, new treatment modalities will be created

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