The Resistance of Bacteria to Antibiotics


Antibiotici se upotrebljavaju 60-ak godina, njima se mogu liječiti praktički sve danas poznate infekcije, no, također, na njih se trajno razvija i rezistencija. U tekstu se opisuje nastanak rezistencije, mehanizmi rezistencije, na primjeru S. pyogenes i H. pylori odnos rezistencije i uporabe antibiotika te potanko današnje stanje rezistencije glavnih bakterijskih izvanbolničkih i bolničkih patogenih bakterija u Hrvatskoj. Na temelju tih podataka upozorava se na potrebu promjene empirijske antimikrobne terapije akutnih nekompliciranih infekcija mokraćnog sustava, invazivnih salmoneloza i πigeloza.Antibiotics have been in use for about 60 years, being applied in treatment of almost all today known infections. However, resistance to them has been permanently developing as well. In the text are described the emergence of resistance, its mechanisms, the relationship of resistance and use of antibiotics through the example of S. pyogenes and H. pylori, and in detail is described the present resistance of main pathogenic bacteria in Croatia (in community and in hospitals). The obtained data point to the need of changing the empirical antimicrobic therapy of acute non-complicated infections of the urinary system, invasive salmonellosis and shigellosis

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