Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek and Agricultural Institute Osijek
Vinska i jabučna kiselina glavne su kiseline grožđa, mošta i vina koje direktno utječu na okus i harmoničnost vina. U 2006. godini grožđe Chardonnay, klonovi SMA130, CL 95, CL96, CL548, SMA 123, R8, VCR10 iz zagrebačkoga vinogorja brano je svakih 3-5 dana i to od trenutka šaranja bobica pa sve do dana berbe. Kod klona CL 95 utvrđen je najmanji odnos između jabučne i vinske kiseline, dok je taj odnos kod klonova CL 96 i VCR 10 bio najizraženiji. Nisu utvrđene razlike u sadržaju limunske kiseline između ispitivanih klonovaTartaric and malic acids are essential constituents of grape must and wine, contributing directly to its taste as well as balancing with other flavors. High temperature conditions during maturation time can strongly affect malic acid/tartaric acid ratio resulting in a lower acid content due to increasing degradation of malic acid. In the 2006 year Chardonnay grape (clone SMA 130, CL 95, CL96, CL548, SMA 123, R8, VCR10) from Zagreb wine region was collected every 3-5 days from the moment of verasion until the harvest time. The smallest malic acid/tartaric acid ratio was detected in CL 95 clone while clone CL 96 and VCR10 had the highest malic acid/tartaric acid ratio. There was no difference in the citric acid content among tested clones