Clinical Trials in Psychiatry


U članku su se pokušale razjasniti neke opće činjenice i noviji aspekti kliničkih ispitivanja. Klasifikacijski se klinička ispitivanja dijele na ona koja se baziraju na fazama kliničkog razvoja lijeka i na ona vezana uz tip i cilj studije. Između kliničkih ispitivanja po tipu ili po fazama postoji niz dodirnih točaka, ali i razlika. Unatoč sveprisutnom detaljnom obavještavanju bolesnika o ciljevima i načinima provođenja istraživanja te neovisnim ocjenama stručnih i etičkih načela u suvremenim istraživanjima i dalje je prisutno više etičkih dilema o provođenju kliničkih ispitivanja u psihijatriji.We have tried to explain some general facts and newer aspects of clinical trials. Clinical trials are classified as those based on the phases of clinical development of a particular drug and as those based on the type and goal of the trial itself. There are numerous contact points between trials according to type and according to phases, but differences exist as well. Despite the omnipresent detailed information to the patients about the aims and ways of performing the investigations, and independent evaluations by professional and ethical principles in current studies, several ethical dilemmas regarding the clinical trials performance in psychiatry are still present

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