
U radu se daje tehnička analiza jednog incidenta koji se dogodio 21. ožujka 2007. godine u 00:50 sati u noći i doveo do dvosatnog potpunog raspada elektroenergetskog sustava na otoku Rodosu. Analiza događanja temelji se na registriranim operativnim podacima kao i nalazima na terenu. Izvršena je tehnička analiza smetnji kako bi se utvrdili vjerojatni uzroci i čimbenici koji su pridonijeli pojavi smetnji. S obzirom da se radi o izoliranom sustavu koji je osobito je osjetljiv na poremećaje, ispitane su uloge zaštite sustava kao i kolebanja proizvodnje vjetroelektrana tijekom incidenta. Izvučeni su zaključci od praktičnog značenja i dane su preporuke korektivnih mjera koje valja provesti kako bi se u budućnosti spriječile takve smetnje.A technical review of an incident on March 21, 2007 that began at 00:50 a.m. and led to a two-hour blackout of the island of Rhodes electric power system is presented with the complete sequence, including all the relevant registered operational data as well as the on-site field findings. A technical analysis of the disturbance was performed to determine the probable causes and factors that contributed to the duration of the disturbance. Since the system is an isolated one, it is particularly vulnerable to perturbations. The roles of system protection and wind power generation during the incident are examined. Conclusions of practical importance are drawn, including recommendations for corrective measures to be implemented for preventing disturbances of this kind from reoccurring in the future

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