Razlike između zdravstvenih sustava i jedinstveno europsko tržište zdravstvenih usluga


The following paper analyses the possibilities of forming a single European health care market. This aim is achieved by studying the impact of the differing organisational features of individual European health care systems on the efficiency of health care provision, by examining the relationship between the inputs used to produce health care services and the population’s health status in the analysed countries and by exploring the link between the quantity of health care services and the health status. The authors hypothesise that the efficiency and organisation of health care systems determine the possibilities of forming an efficient single European health care market. The empirical methodology employed in this paper is data envelopment analysis (DEA). The results show that differences between health care systems and in the ownership types of health care providers are not so large as to prevent the formation of a single European health care market. However, the formation of a single European health care market would reveal the characteristics of health care systems in such a way that citizens would be in favour of the public sector in health care and the national health service model.U ovome radu istražuju se mogućnosti formiranja jedinstvenog europskog tržišta zdravstvenih usluga. Taj cilj ostvaruje se kroz analizu efikasnosti različitih europskih zdravstvenih sustava u odnosu na zdravstveno stanje populacije i inputa u produkciju zdravstvenih usluga te u odnosu na zdravstveno stanje populacije i opsega zdravstvenih usluga. Autori rada pretpostavljaju da mogućnost formiranja efikasnog jedinstvenog europskog tržišta zdravstvenih usluga zavisi od efikasnosti organizacije zdravstvenih sustava u Europi. U ovome radu autori koriste DEA metodologiju empiričkog istraživanja. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da razlike između zdravstvenih sustava i tipa vlasništva zdravstvenih institucija nisu tako velike da bi onemogućile formiranje jedinstvenog europskog tržišta zdravstvenih usluga. Unatoč tome, formiranje jedinstvenog europskog tržišta zdravstvenih usluga moralo bi pokazati kako je u prednosti stanovništvo onih europskih država, u kojima prevladavaju javne zdravstvene institucije i proračunsko financirano zdravstvo

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