Spektralna svojstva potresa na dodiru tektonskih ploča


Earthquakes are investigated with epicentres located along divergent and along convergent plate boundaries. Two criteria are applied in order to distinguish between earthquakes featuring anomalous “long-periodic” and “short-periodic” radiation of body-waves: 1) deviation of the corner period Tc of the P-waves from the regression between Tc and the moment magnitude Mw; and 2) the values of stress drop Dsigma. It is found that earthquakes along divergent boundaries radiate the seismic energy mainly at longer periods, and, vice versa, that such along convergent boundaries radiate energy mainly at shorter periods. The average stress drop for the former earthquakes is estimated thereby to be 33 bars and for latter – 89 bars. In a regional scale, for earthquakes in the Japan-Kuril area it is found that the corner periods for strike-slip events are larger than those for thrust events. The results confirm the findings of investigations based on the creepex distribution along divergent and convergent boundaries, as well as the findings related to the dependence of creepex on the source mechanism.Proučavani su potresi na konvergentnim i divergentnim mjestima dodira tektonskih ploča. Potresi karakterizirani anomalno dugoperiodičkom odnosno kratkoperiodičkom radijacijom prostornih valova razlučeni su na osnovi devijacije graničnog perioda Tc P-valova (regresijom Tc i momentne magnitude Mw), te razmatranjem iznosa pada napetosti na rasjedu, Dsigma. Ustanovljeno je da potresi na konvergentnim granicama zrače seizmičku energiju uglavnom na duljim periodima nego oni na divergentnim granicama. Prosječni pad napetosti za potrese duž konvergentnih granica iznosi 33 bara, a za one na divergentnim 89 bara. Na području Japana i Kurilskih otoka »strike-slip« potresi imaju veći granični period od »dip-slip« potresa. Rezultati su u skladu s istraživanjima creepex razdiobe duž konvergentnih i divergentnih granica, kao i ovisnosti creepex-a o žarišnom mehanizmu

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