Struktura mezoskalnog strujanja nad sjevernim Jadranom tijekom MAP IOP 15 eksperimenta – slučaj jake bure


We have investigated a strong Bora event over the Northern Adriatic, which occurred on 7 November 1999 during MAP IOP 15. The wind field, potential temperature, vertical component of relative vorticity, and turbulent kinetic energy in the lower troposphere were simulated by a nonhydrostatic mesoscale model (MEMO), which was run at a very fine horizontal resolution with the grid spacing of 1 km. Our model simulation accurately reproduced the timing of the Bora event, and the modeled fields exhibited a good agreement with routinely measured winds along the Croatian coast as well as a large degree of consistence with the MAP measurements offshore. The model results also provided a detailed view of the hydraulic airflow structure and thermodynamic conditions during the Bora event. Our simulation results confirm the existence of topographically induced vorticity filaments originating in the turbulent regions near the coastal mountains, where these turbulent zones are collocated with the hydraulic jump-like flow features. All of the above processes have the highest intensity in the region of Senj.Ispitali smo slučaj jake bure na sjevernom Jadranu, koji se dogodio 7. studenog 1999. tijekom MAP IOP 15 eksperimenta. Polja vjetra, potencijalne temperature, vertikalne komponente relativne vrtložnosti i turbulentne kinetičke energije u donjoj troposferi simulirana su nehidrostatskim mezoskalnim modelom (MEMO) s vrlo finom horizontalnom rezolucijom od 1 km. Simulacija je točno reproducirala nastup bure, a modelirana polja dobro su se podudarala s rutinski mjerenim vjetrom duž hrvatske obale te su pokazala visoku razinu konzistencije s MAP mjerenjima nad morem. Rezultati modela također su omogućili detaljan uvid u strukturu hidrauličkog toka te u termodinamičke uvjete tijekom bure. Rezultati simulacije potvrdili su postojanje topografski induciranih pruga vrtložnosti, koje nastaju u blizini obalnih planina, u turbulentnim područjima čiji položaj se podudara s tokom hidrauličkih svojstava. Svi ti procesi najintenzivniji su u području Senja

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