Strategic Importance of Information-Communication Technology in Recent International Environment


Podaci, informacije, razumijevanje i znanje kao elementi kognitivne sheme uvijek determiniraju društvenu moć, isto tako uvijek posebno značajno utječu na političku i vojnu sferu. Za njihovu važnost znali su već u starom vijeku (Sun Tzu), te je stoga potpuno razumljivo da će i u vremenu opće društvene uporabe informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije (IKT) imati posebno velik utjecaj na međunarodne odnose, stanje sigurnosti te odnose sila u svijetu. Uporaba IKT je naime promijenila odnose između velike većine tradicionalnih izvora društvene moći, a isto tako je i glavni čimbenik nastanka nekih novih, karakterističnih samo za informacijsko doba. Neovisno o tome, informacijsku moć nikako ne smijemo povezivati isključivo s uporabom IKT ili informacijskim društvom, jer je ona ipak dobila potpuno nove dimenzije i značaj. Zato IKT ubrajamo u strateški element s revolucionarnim značenjem i na području sigurnosti država, međunarodne zajednice kao i pojedinaca koji imaju središnje mjesto o human security konceptu. Rabili smo pritom tri najvažnije teoretske sigurnosne paradigme (realizam, liberalizam i konstruktivizam) te ih aplicirali na teoriju društvene moći, koja nam je služila za polazište odnosa između ključnih društvenih čimbenika.Data, information, knowledge and understanding as three elements of cognitive scheme have always been determining social power as they have been significantly influencing political and military sphere as well. This wisdom was very explicit present already in ancient world (we can put out Chinese military and strategic thinker Sun Tzu). Despite of that is the information-communication technology (ICT) importance in time of information society very clear and reasonable. Within its revolutionary social implications we want to express security issues, at modern international community level as well as human individual level. But nearby recent security paradigms - realism, liberalism and constructivism, the social power theory ought to be mentioned and used as well. With this theoretical framework we wanted to discuss major power, security and international changes. Namely ICT basically changed these three topics in two ways: material and perceiving. On one hand ICT introduced some new power forms (e-economy, digitalisation of military, intelligence and secret services, e-governance etc.), on the other it influences especially our perception of physical world through spreading (digital) media. Therefore new strategic spaces (cyber strategic space) and concepts (virtual culture imperialism) appeared. But we also treated ICT as a matter of asymmetric world (technological, economical and cultural) development, leading into asymmetric conflicts of course

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