Structure and utilisation of wood volume of damaged and dead peduncled oak trees in Spačva


Propadanje stabala hrasta lužnjaka jedan je od najznačajnijih gospodarskih i ekoloških problema u šumarstvu Hrvatske. U radu su prikazani podaci o osutosti krošanja i propadanju stabala hrasta lužnjaka na uzorku stabala uz cestu Županja - Lipovac. Osutost stabala uz cestu iznosila je oko 60 %, dok je na cijelom području Spačve iznoslila oko 25 %. Utvrđeno je intezivno propadanje stabala hrasta lužnjaka 2003. godine, i smanjenje udjela tehničkog drva za oko 10 % kod stabala s velikom osutošću krošanja. Udio furnirskih trupaca kod stabala male i srednje osutosti bio je 50 % veći u odnosu na jako osuta i propala stabala.The dieback of peduncled oak forests in the management forests has been a major management and ecological issue of the Croatian forestry. The management problems relate to the decrease of the wood matter quality, the disturbances in the sustainable planning and management, and the cost increase resulting in lower revenues. The ecological problems relate to the causes of tree dieback, which are numerous and difficult to classify, and to the consequences for the habitats and the development of forest ecosystems. The paper presents the intensities of crown damage and the dieback of peduncled oak trees from four forestry units in the Spa~va area in 2002 and 2003. Varying visible trunk damage was analysed in relation to the crown damage degree. The analyses of tree dieback over the recent ten years were done. The utilisation of the wood volume of the dead and variously damaged peduncled oak trees was analysed. The paper discusses the issues of the total utilisation of the wood volume and the value of wood assortments of healthy trees in relation to the damaged and dead peduncled oak trees at the level of annual felling plan

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