Large-Scale Modes of the Tropical Atmosphere. Part I: Analytical Modeling of Convectively Coupled Kelvin Waves Using the Boundary-Layer Quasiequilibrium Approximation


One way of modeling the convectively coupled Kelvin waves in an equa­to­rial non-rotating atmosphere is presented. It implements a simple linear, analytical model using the boundary-layer quasiequilibrium approximation and wind-induced surface heat exchange. The dynamics of the model are based on the assumption that the vertical heating profile has the shape of the first baroclinic mode. The vertical velocity has two sinusoidal components of different vertical wavelengths. One component corresponds to deep convec­tion and the imposed heating profile while the other component, with shal­lower vertical wavelength, defines the phase speed of the convectively coupled Kelvin wave. The results of the model show fast Kelvin waves that resemble adiabatic modes with the vertical wavelength being twice the depth of the troposphere and convectively coupled Kelvin waves that are damped and propagate with phase speed of 18 m/s. Wind-induced surface heat exchange causes the in­sta­bility of the convectively coupled Kelvin waves, but only for very long wave­lengths. The value of the model is that under the single dynamical assumption of the vertical heating profile and using the boundary-layer quasiequilibrium assumption it yields the observed phase speed for the convectively couple Kelvin waves.U radu se prezentira jedan način modeliranja konvektivno združenih Kelvinovih valova u ekvatorijalnoj nerotirajućoj atmosferi. Ono uključuje jednostavni linearni, analitički model koristeći kvaziravnotežnu aproksimaciju u graničnom sloju i površinsku izmjenu topline uzrokovanu vjetrom. Dinamika modela temelji se na pretpostavci da vertikalni profil grijanja ima oblik prvog baroklinog moda. Vertikalna brzina ima dvije sinusoidalne komponente različitih vertikalnih valnih duljina. Jedna odgovara dubokoj konvekciji i nametnutom profilu zagrijavanja, dok druga komponenta kraće vertikalne valne duljine definira faznu brzinu konvektivno zdru`enog Kelvinovog vala. Rezultati modela su brzi Kelvinovi valovi koji sliče adijabatskim modovima s vertikalnom valnom duljinom dvostruko većom od dubine troposfere i konvektivno združenih Kelvinovih valova koji su prigušeni i propagiraju faznom brzinom od 18 m/s. Površiinska izmjena topline uzrokovana vjetrom čini konvektivno združene Kelvinove valove nestabilnim samo za vrlo duge valove. Vrijednost modela je u tome da pod jednostavnom pretpostavkom vertikalnog profila grijanja i kori{tenjem kvaziravnotežne aproksimacije graničnog sloja daje opaženu faznu brzinu konvektivno združenih Kelvinovih valova

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