Milestones of Chemical Engineering Development in Croatia


Rješavanje problema kemijske procesne industrije potaklo je stvaranje nove znanstvene discipline koja raspolaže vlastitim alatima (paradigmama) temeljenim na znanstvenim spoznajama različitih disciplina. Nova disciplina, kemijsko inženjerstvo, omogućava početkom dvadesetog stoljeća analizu različitih procesa petrokemijske i velike kemijske industrije, dijeleći ih na manji broj jediničnih operacija. Kasnije, kemijsko inženjerstvo proširuje koncepciju jediničnih operacija, dijeleći proces do sve niže i niže razine, primjenom u reakcijskom inženjerstvu. Istodobno, potreba za optimiranjem procesa uključuje sustavski pristup. Umjesto traženja detalja, sintezom procesa osmišljavaju se više razine organizacije. Primjena računala postaje ključni element pri modeliranju i vođenju procesa. Metode kemijskog inženjerstva šire se i na druga područja, pri čemu disciplina zadržava iste temeljne karakteristike. Promjene na globalnom tržištu potiču nove trendove u istraživanju i evoluciju u poučavanju, jer razvoj proizvoda definiranih uporabnih svojstava postaje ključno područje djelovanja, koje podrazumijeva integrirani pristup pojavama i procesima koji se odvijaju u različitim veličinskim mjerilima radi moguće pretvorbe molekula u korisni proizvod na procesnoj razini. Naglasak je na prikazu razvoja discipline u Hrvatskoj s posebnim osvrtom na osobe koje su u pojedinim razdobljima najviše pridonijele prihvatu i širenju novih spoznaja.Solving important problems of chemical and process industries stimulated the creation of a new scientific discipline, chemical engineering, which apart from other disciplines includes firm theoretical foundations, core subjects taught to entering students, widely adopted textbooks and journals. The new discipline, at the beginning of the 20th century, provided a way of analyzing the wide variety of processes in terms of small "unit operations". Later, the largely empirical approach of the unit operations was broadened by molecular explanations of macroscopic phenomena. It was not long before chemical engineering extended the operation approach to chemical reaction engineering. At the same time, process optimization prompted the system approach. Instead of looking for details, higher levels of organization were recognized by synthesis. The use of computers has become the key element in process modeling and control. The methods of chemical engineering have extended to other fields, while the discipline keeps the same basis and characteristics. The changes on the global market stimulate new trends in research and education. Product development has become an important segment of the discipline, which presumes an integrated approach to the phenomena and processes at different time and length levels following the possible transfer from molecule to product at process level. This paper mainly deals with the development of this discipline in Croatia, with a preview of the persons that contributed to the acceptance and propagation of the new concepts

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