
In vitro fertilization procedures can be applied to aid infertile couples with complete asthenozoospermia, i.e. with absence of even a single motile sperm in ejaculate. However, the probability of conception with intracytoplasmic injection of sperm (ICSI), selected at random from an immotile sperm sample, is quite slight. In couples, in which the male partner’s ejaculate contained only immotile sperm, the hypo-osmotic swelling (HOS) test was used to select viable sperm for the ICSI procedure. Material and methods. Complete asthenozoospermia as the major cause of infertility was diagnosed in 4 couples, of which two male partners had a special form of complete immotility, a sperm stump defect. Out of the total of 10 hormone-stimulated ICSI cycles, in 6 cycles the sperm for ICSI were chosen randomly, without a HOS test. In 4 cycles, the washed semen samples were incubated in a hypo-osmotic solution and only HOS-positive sperm (i.e. sperm with swollen tail) were used for ICSI. Results. Of 6 ICSI cycles without selection of viable sperm using the HOS test, total fertilization failure was noted in 3. Only a total of 20.7% (6/29) oocytes were fertilized. In all 4 ICSI cycles with performed HOS test prior to sperm injection, embryos for transfer were obtained. An 81.8% (18/22) fertilization rate was registered and one twin pregnancy which resulted in a birth of a healthy singleton. Conclusion. We can confirm that also in cases of complete asthenozoospermia, even in those, combined with stump defect, good fertilization rate and pregnancies can be achieved after selecting the viable sperm by HOS test prior to the ICSI procedure.Oplodnja izvan tijela može se upotrijebiti u liječenju neplodnosti uzrokovane potpunom nepokretljivošću spermatozoida. Naravno, vjerojatnost za začeće nakon oplodnje spermatozoidom koji je slučajno odabran za injiciranje u citoplazmu jajne stanice (ICSI), prilično je nesigurna. U parova, u kojih u ejakulatu nalazimo samo nepokretne spermatozoide, hipoosmotski test nabreknuća repa spermatozoida hypo-osmotic swelling (HOS) test, upotrebljen je za selekciju vitalnih spermatozoida za ICSI. Materijal i metode. Potpuni izostanak pokretljivosti spermatozoida dijagnosticiran je kao glavni uzrok neplodnosti u 4 para. Među njima, kod dvojice muškaraca ustanovljen je poseban oblik potpune nepokretljivosti uzrokovan defektom ostatka repa. Od 10 hormonima stimuliranih ICSI ciklusa, u 6 ciklusa su spermatozoidi za ICSI izabirani nasumce bez HOS testa. U 4 pacijenta oprani spermatozoidi su inkubirani u hipoosmotskoj otopini i samo HOS pozitivni spermatozoidi (spermatozoidi s nabreklim repom), upotrebljeni su za ICSI. Rezultati. Od 6 ICSI ciklusa bez učinjene selekcije spermatozoida HOS testom, potpuni izostanak oplodnje zabilježen je u 3 ciklusa. U preostala 3 ciklusa samo 20,7% (6/29) jajnih stanica je oplođeno. U sva 4 ICSI ciklusa u kojima je pred njihovim injiciranjem za odabir spermatozoida upotrijebljen HOS test, stvoreni su zameci primjereni za prijenos u maternicu. Zabilježena je stopa oplodnje¬ jajnih stanica od 81,8% (18/22), a nakon prijenosa zametka zabilježena je implantacija dva zametka i rođenje jednog zdravog djeteta. Zaključak. U slučajevima potpune nepokretljivosti spermatozoida, čak i u pacijenata gdje je uzrok neplod¬nosti nedostatak struktura repa spermatozoida, možemo očekivati dobru stopu oplodnje i trudnoće nakon selekcije spermatozoida HOS testom

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