Fototerapijska keratektomija excimer laserom


Phototherapeutic keratectomy with excimer laser is commonly used to treat recurrent corneal erosion syndrome. The aim of this case report is to present success of phototherapeutic keratectomy in patients with recurrent epithelial erosion and persistent epithelial defect following initial treatment with phototherapeutic keratectomy. Phototherapeutic keratectomy provides a therapeutic option for refractory recurrent erosions and persistent epithelial defects. The benefit from phototherapeutic keratectomy is fast reepithelialization of the affected area and quick relief of painful symptoms.Fototerapijska keratektomija excimer laserom se upotrebljava za liječenje opetovanih rožničnih erozivnih sindroma. Cilj prikaza dvaju slučajeva je opisati uspjeh fototerapijske keratektomije kod bolesnika s opetovanom refraktornom epitelnom erozijom rožnice te kod bolesnika s tvrdokornim epitelnim defektom. Navedena metoda predstavlja terapijsku mogućnost u liječenju ovih stanja. Korist od fototerapijske keratektomije je brza reepitelizacija zahvaćenog područja i brzo oslobađanje od bolnih simptoma

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