Evaluation of tuberculous meningoencephalitis by computerized tomography: a case report


Prikazali smo slučaj trogodišnje djevojčice s laboratorijski potvrđenim tuberkuloznim meningoencefalitisom i neurološkim komplikacijama koje su se razvile u kliničkom tijeku bolesti unatoč primjeni antituberkulozne terapije. Prikazana je CT evaluacija tuberkuloznog meningoencefalitisa koja je u početku bolesti pokazivala samo edem mozga, a u daljnjem tijeku i znakove meningitisa s hiperdenznim subarahnoidalnim bazalnim prostorima. U subakutnoj fazi CT-om su se verificirali ishemijski infarktni procesi bazalnih ganglija te znaci cerebritisa i ventrikulitisa. Neurokirurška intervencija pridonijela je regresiji hidrocefalusa, koji postaje normotenzijski uz razvoj frontalnih efuzija. Evaluacija tuberkuloznog meningoencefalitisa kompjuteriziranom tomografijom u Hrvatskoj je relativno rijetka te želimo kliničare podsjetiti na mogućnosti aplikacije CT-a i njegovu vrijednost u sličnim slučajevima.We present a case of a three-year-old girl with laboratory confirmed tuberculous meningoencephalitis and neurological complications that developed during the clinical course of disease despite antituberculous therapy. Computerized tomography evaluation of tuberculous meningoencephalitis is shown. Brain edem was the initial process. In addition, characteristic CT signs of meningitis with hyperdense basal subarachnoid spaces occurred. In the subacute phase ischemic infarcts in basal ganglions and the signs of cerebritis and vasculitis were visualised. Neurosurgical interventions improved the regression of hydrocephalus that became normotensive with the development of frontal effusions. The evaluation of tuberculous meningoencephalitis with CT scans in Croatia is rare and we want to remind the clinicians on the possibilities of CT application and its value in such cases

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