The Overall Health-Status of Dental Patients


Svrha istraživanja bila je procijeniti opće-zdravstveni status opulacije stomatoloških pacijenata, nakon obrade podataka iz ispunjenih Upitnika o zdravlju FDI-a koje je preporučila Hrvatska stomatološka komora. Podaci iz 2045 upitnika koje su ispunili pacijenti Zavoda za endodonciju i restaurativnu stomatologiju tijekom godine 2005. uneseni su u kompjutorsku bazu podataka te statistički obrađeni. Obrada podataka pokazala je da 30,1% stomatoloških pacijenata boluje od neke bolesti, a najčešće su kardiovaskularne (14,7%). Česte su i alergije bolesti (13,1%). U upitnicima je registrirano i 1,5% pacijenata s virusnim hepatitisom te 0,6% s TBC-om. Razmjerno malo pacijenata upisalo je HIV-seropozitivnost (0,2%) i izloženost virusu HIV-a (0,5%). Transfuziju je primilo 12% pacijenata. Stomatološki pacijent iznad 75 godina u prosjeku uzima 2,16 lijekova. Vrlo česte sistemske bolesti kod stomatoloških pacijenata te povećana potrošnja lijekova kod pacijenata starije dobi, upućuje na to da je potrebna dodatna izobrazba stomatologa kako bi se s takvim bolesnicima moglo odgovarajuće postupati.The purpose of the study was to evaluate the general health condition i.e. overall health-status of the dental patients population by processing the data obtained from the FDI health-questionnaires which was recommended by the Croatian Dental Chamber. The data which was collected from a total of 2045 individual medical history questionnaires - personally filled in by the patients who attended this Department of Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry during the year of 2005 - was loaded into a computer data-base and statistically analyzed. The analysis showed presence of some kind of a disease in 30.1% of patients; topping the list by incidence were cardiovascular diseases (14.7%). Also, highly represented were various allergic diseases (13.1%). A 1.5% had developed a viral hepatitis, whereas 0.6% of the patients had even had TBC. A comparatively small percentage of patients (0.2%) had admitted to HIV seropositivity resp. exposure to the HIV virus (0.5%). A total of 12% of the group had received a blood-transfusion at some point. Typically, a dental patient above 75 years of age was taking in average 2.16 different types of medicinal drugs. High incidence of systemic diseases in dental patients and an increased consumption of medicinal drugs in the elderly dental patients indicates the need for an enhanced education of the dentist in order to enable his/her proper attitude toward such patients

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