School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatian Dental Society - Croatian Medical Association
Problem klasifikacije parodontnih bolesti vrlo je težak i kompleksan. Promatrajući povijesni razvoj parodontologije, očito je kako su postojale različite težnje da se mijenja i sama terminologija u parodontologiji i klasifikacija parodontnih bolesti. Posljedica toga je velik broj najčešće vlastitih sustava klasifikacija, a općepriznate klasifikacije nastale su tek u posljednjih deset godina. Zbog toga je svrha ovoga rada bila prikazati najnoviju općeprihvaćenu klasifikaciju koja je nastala na prijedlog priznatih svjetskih stručnjaka prigodom međunarodnog Workshopa za klasifikaciju parodontnih bolesti i stanja 1999 godine.The problem of classification of periodontal diseases is extremely difficult and complex. When the development of periodontology is analysed it can be seen that different attempts have been made to change not only terminology in periodontology but also classification of periodontal diseases. This frequently resulted in a large number of individual systems of classification, while those that were generally acknowledged appeared during the last ten years. Consequently the aim of this study was to present the latest generally accepted classification, proposed by acknowledged world experts during the International Workshop for Classification of Periodontal Diseases and Conditions, in 1999