Wear Characteristics of Esthetic Prosthetic Materials


Poznavanje triboloških svojstava estetskih protetskih materijala nužno je u svakodnevnoj stomatološkoj praksi. Usavršiti novu, originalnu, metodu i konstruirati uređaj za ispitivanje triboloških svojstava gradivnih protetskih materijala, ispitati tribološka svojstva različitih estetskih protetskih materijala te ispitati međusobno ponašanje materijala tribološkog para: prirodan zub - protetski materijal. Istraživanje je rađeno na modificiranom uređaju “Taber abraser”, na uzorcima šest različitih estetskih protetskih materijala. Trošenje je najmanje za uzorke glinične keramike (Creation i d.Sign), a najveće za polimer (Chromasit) te ceromer (Targis). Najmanji faktori trošenja određeni su, također, za glinične keramike. Istraživanje je rezultiralo razvojem nove metode i uređaja za ispitivanje triboloških svojstava protetskih materijala.Knowledge of wear characteristics of esthetic prosthetic materials is essential in everyday dental practice. To establish a new, original, method and produce a device for examining wear characteristics of constructive prosthetic materials, to assess the wear characteristics of different esthetic prosthetic materials and to examine the relationship in a wear pair: natural tooth - prosthetic material. The study was performed on a modified device “Taber abraser” on samples of six different esthetic prosthetic materials. The wear is smallest for samples of alumina ceramics (Creation and d.Sign), and greatest for polymer (Chromasit) and ceromer material (Targis). The smallest wear factors were established for alumina ceramics as well. The study has resulted in the development of a new method and new device for examining the wear characteristics of prosthetic materials

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