Static and dynamic analysis of concrete shells - shell element and models


Opisan je model i odgovarajući softver za statičku i dinamičku analizu betonskih ploča i ljusaka. Model simulira materijalnu i geometrijsku nelinearnost. Pokazano je da je moguće uključiti dominantne nelinearne efekte armiranog betona (betona i armature). U ovom radu koji čini prvi dio jedne cjeline, opisan je usvojeni element ljuske, modeli materijala za beton i armaturu, te model geometrije. U drugom radu koji slijedi bit će prikazana numerička analiza, ilustrirana primjerima.The model and the corresponding software for the static and dynamic analysis of concrete plates and shells is described. The model simulates the material and geometrical nonlinearity. It is demonstrated that dominant nonlinear effects of the reinforced concrete (concrete and reinforcing bars) can be taken into account. This paper, which is the first portion of a more extensive analysis, describes the adopted shell element, material models for concrete and reinforcing bars, and the geometry model. In the second paper, which is to follow shortly, the authors will describe numerical analysis illustrated with appropriate examples

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