Seismic resistance diagrams for buildings belonging to architectural heritage


Prikazan je način determinističke kvantifikacije pojma “seizmička otpornost” krutih zgrada s kamenim zidovima. Postupak se temelji na odnosu proračunskih i kapacitetnih vrijednosti parametara odziva konstrukcije. Pri proračunu su varirani parametri bitni za seizmičku otpornost zgrade. Rezultati provedenih proračuna sistematizirani su da bi se utvrdio međusobni odnos seizmičke otpornosti građevina s različitim stropnim konstrukcijama prema onima s “apsolutno krutim stropovima”.The deterministic quantification of the notion of "seismic resistance" of rigid buildings with stone walls is presented. The procedure is based on the relationship between the design and capacity values of structural response parameters. Parameters significant for seismic resistance of buildings were varied as appropriate in the course of the design process. The results of these calculations were systemized in order to determine the relationship between seismic resistance of buildings with different floor structures and those with "absolutely rigid floor structures"

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