Geotechnical problems relating to foundation pit behavior and design


Opisuju se primjeri dubokih građevnih jama u Gdanjsku. Kod građevina čiji su podzemni dijelovi u prenapučenoj mreži gradske infrastrukture pojavljuju se ograničenja u vezi s iskorištavanjem mogućih tehnologija građenja. Ujedno se postavljaju vrlo visoki zahtjevi glede projektiranja i ugradnje novih građevina s obzirom na njihov utjecaj na susjedne građevine. U radu je prikazano nekoliko slučajeva takve izgradnje s analizom osnovnih čimbenika i područja utjecaja novih građevina.Several examples of deep foundation pits in Gdanjsk are described. In case of structures with underground portions situated in midst of crowded municipal infrastructure systems, the choice of possible construction technologies is often quite limited. In addition, builders are faced with very high requirements regarding design and erection of new buildings due to influence they exert on neighboring structures. Some cases of such construction are presented, and basic factors and area of influence of such new structures, are analyzed

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