Architect Neven Šegvić – Theoretical Works


Autor članka bavi se istraživanjem opusa arhitekta Nevena Šegvića. U trijadi njegova djela – teorijski rad, projektantski rad, pedagoški rad – tekst obrađuje problematiku prvog segmenta. Analizom evidentiranih bibliografskih jedinica autor sagledava vrijednost pojedinačnoga djela unutar duktusa cjelokupnoga znanstveno-publicističkog djela. Verifikacijom i valorizacijom izlučnih radova te uspostavom stratifikacije elaborira se teza o postojanju pet problemsko-razvojnih faza teorijskog opusa arhitekta Nevena Šegvića.Within his work on the oeuvre of the architect Neven Šegvić, the author focuses in this paper on Šegvić’s theoretical work, as one of the three main subject areas of his career, the others being architectural design and teaching. The analysis of Šegvić’s bibliography provides a basis for a critical evaluation of each particular work and its positioning within the entire theoretical oeuvre. The analysis is followed by a stratification in which the author identifies five discrete development phases in Neven Šegvić’s theoretical work

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