The foundation of the military community of Brod na Savi


U radu se na temelju analize različitih podataka navedenih u literaturi te arhivske građe utvrđuje 31. siječnja 1753. kao datum osnutka vojnog komuniteta Brod na Savi. Utvrđeni su principi po kojima funkcioniraju prvi komuniteti. Navedeni razlozi zbog kojih su vlasti Slavonske vojne krajine prišle organizaciji institucije vojnih komuniteta te je istaknuta njihova pozicija u vojnoj organizaciji Krajine. Detaljnije su analizirani razlozi ukidanja vojnog komuniteta Brod na Savi 1787. te razlozi ponovnog vraćanja statusa vojnog komuniteta 1820. godine.On the basis of an analysis of various different data stated in the literature and material in records, the paper puts the date of the foundation of the Military Community of Brod na Savi at 31 January 1753. The principles on which the first communities functioned are described. Reasons for the authorities of the Slavonian Military Border to set about the organisation of the institution of the military community are given, and the position within the military organisation of the Border of such communities is pointed out. There is a rather detailed analysis of the reasons for the abolition of the Military Community of Brod na Savi in 1787, and the reasons for the restoration of the status in 1820

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