Multi-modal ecology - the factor of the efficient integration of the Republic of Croatia in the European traffic system


Društveni i gospodarski razvoj svake države treba biti usmjeren k poboljšanju životnoga standarda stanov-ništva, odnosno svakoga pojedinca. Promet kao osnova svakoga gospodarstva, jedan je od osnovnih čimbenika razvoja. Međutim, razvoj klasičnih grana prometa u prošlom je stoljeću znatno poremetio prirodnu ravnotežu ekosustava. Primjena suvremenih transportnih tehnologija u okviru multimodalnoga transporta, uz brzu i kvalitetniju uslugu, ima i značajnu ulogu u ekologiji. Multimodalni transport smatra se ekološki modernim oblikom prometa, jer ne nudi samo učinkovit, brz i siguran način prijevoza robe, već u znatnoj mjeri čuva i čovjekov okoliš. Republika Hrvatska zbog teritorijalne razvedenosti, pripadajućega morskoga akvatorija i podunavskoga pojasa, mora razvijati razmjerno složen, široko razvijen i između pojedinih prometnih grana koordiniran prometni sustav. U okviru razvoja i razvitka prometnoga sustava, koji će postati dio europskoga prometnoga sustava, prijeko je potrebno pridržavati se mjera zaštite okoliša. Stoga prometna strategija i prometna politika Republike Hrvatske moraju biti koordinirani s politikom zaštite i unapređenja kvalitete okoliša, te zajednički pratiti procese gospodarskoga i prometnoga razvoja Europske unije.The social and economic growth of any state should be directed to the improvement of the population’s life standard that is every individual. The traffic as the foundation of any economy is one of the basic factors of development. However, the expansion of the common traffic sectors has considerably disordered the natural balance of the eco-system in the last century. The application of the modern transport technologies in the frame of multimodal transport together with the fast and better quality service has a significant role in the ecology. The multimodal transport is considered to be the ecological and modern form of traffic, for the reason that not only does it offer the effective, fast and secure way of the transportation of goods, but also it protects the human environment to significant extent. The Republic of Croatia has to develop relatively complex, largely expanded and coordinated system between single, particular or individual traffic sectors a due to the territorial indentation or well-indented coastline, as well as the belonging to the Adriatic maritime zone and the Danube-basin strip. In the extent of the expansion and the development of the traffic system, which will become the part of the European traffic system, it is necessary to hold on to the environmental protective measures. Therefore, the traffic strategy and the policy of the Republic of Croatia have to be coordinated with the protection policy of the environment as well as the improvement of the environmental quality and to jointly follow the actions or procedures of the economic and traffic progress of the European union

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