Use of statistics in civil engineering


Polazeći od tvrdnje da se statističke metode malo primjenjuju, a ponekad, i pogrešno u članku se upozorava na potrebu populariziranja i jače edukacije o primjeni suvremenih statističkih metoda u građevinarstvu. Navode se primjeri neodgovarajuće primjene statističkih proračuna naročito u nekim eksperimentalnim istraživanjima, iz čega proizlaze i neadekvatni zaključci. Ističe se potreba promjene odnosa prema primjeni suvremenih statističkih analiza u građevinskoj znanosti i struci.Starting from the assertion that statistical methods are used quite seldom, and sometimes rather inadequately, in the field of civil engineering, the authors caution that a greater attention should be placed on the popularization and education activities favouring the use of modern statistical calculations in this field. Practical examples are given of inadequate use of statistical calculations, particularly in some experimental research operations, where this may be the cause of inadequate conclusions. The need to change the current perception with respect to the use of modern statistical analysis in the scientific and practical fields of civil engineering is emphasized

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