Kompjutorska simulacija ima sve veću primjenu u proučavanju bioloških i ekoloških sustava. Zasigurno, postoji mnogo različitih tipova simulacijskih tehnika, a mi ćemo u ovom radu predstaviti metodu koja je originalno poznata kao „industrijska dinamika“ (Forrester, 1961.). Ova je metoda polako prerasla u teoriju što povezuje strukturu sustava s njegovim dinamičkim ponašanjem (Forrester, 1968.) i prihvaćen je novi naziv: „sustavna dinamika“ (Forrester, 1971.). Prema prof. dr. J. Forrester - MIT sustavna dinamika je filozofija o sustavu, u osnovi kvalitativnoga karaktera. Zatim, to je prepoznavanje dominacije krugova povratne veze na osnovi dinamičkoga ponašanja sustava, a koji su ujedno i pod utjecajem funkcioniranja samog sustava. Osnova sustavne dinamike je prepoznavanje unutarnje strukture sustava, tj. razumijevanje dinamike ponašanja koja može proizaći iz samog sustava (Roberts i sur., 1983.). Ova teorija, koja je danas potpuno opravdano prerasla u novu znanstvenu disciplinu, povezuje strukturu sustava s njegovom vlastitom dinamikom ponašanja, ali i s uzajamnim djelovanjem relevantne okoline promatranog sustava! Kod bioloških sustava interakcije mnogih njegovih elemenata tvore odgovor sustava ili njegovo ponašanje (Moxnes, 2002.). U ovom radu prikazat će se primjena sustavne dinamike u modeliranju obnovljivih morskih resursa, tj. izložit će se konkretna primjena na ribljoj populaciji.Recent computer simulation has been increasingly used for investigating biological and ecological systems. Naturally, there are many different types of simulation approaches, but in this paper we will present a method which is originally known as „Industrial dynamics“ (Forrester, 1961). From its beginnings this method slowly became a theory which connects the structure of the system with dynamics behaviour of system (Forrester, 1968) and it is known by a new name „System dynamics“ (Forrester, 1971). According to Prof. Dr. J. Forrester from MIT System dynamics, in general, is philosophy about the system, which in basis has qualitative character and identification of dominative feedback loops in dynamics behaviour of the system, which are not isolated but under the influence of operating of the system itself. The fundamental of System dynamics is recognition of internal structure of the system, i.e. understanding the dynamics of behaviour which can result from the system alone (Roberts et al., 1983). This theory, nowadays recognized as a new scientific discipline known by the name System dynamics connects the structure of the system with its own dynamics of behaviour and with mutual interaction with surrounding environment of the observed system. In biological systems interaction of many elements of the system produces the answer of the system or its dynamics of behaviour (Moxnes, 2002). In this paper we will present application of System dynamics in modelling the renewable sea resources, i.e. we will present concrete application on indefinite fish population