Structure and properties of high strength concrete varieties


S obzirom na tlačne čvrstoće prikazana je podjela betona na obične, betone visokih i ultravisokih čvrstoća. Dana su pravila za projektiranje sastava i odabir sastavnih komponenti ovih betona. Prikazana su komparativna istraživanja svojstava i strukture betona normalnih čvrstoća, betona visokih čvrstoća i betona ultravisokih čvrstoća. Dobiveni rezultati su statistički analizirani koristeći jednoparametarski model analize varijance i analizu varijance hijerarhijskih modela.The classification of concrete into normal concrete, high strength concrete and ultra-high strength concrete, as based on compressive strength values, is presented. The rules for designing composition and selecting components of these concrete types are given. Comparative studies of the properties and structure of the normal strength concrete, high strength concrete, and ultra-high strength concrete, are presented. The results obtained are analyzed statistically using the analysis of variance for the single parameter model and for hierarchical models

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